Friday, April 23, 2010

Week 13 Blog Posting

I have not had any problems in making my lesson plan. I have decided to do my lesson plan by myself just because I like working alone. Sometimes when you work with a partner they may have an idea you don't like and vice versa and that can cause conflict. But so far in doing the lesson plan I have had no trouble coming up with ideas or things to do to my lesson plan.

I think that this year has gone pretty good other than all the work that was assigned. I think we could have layed off of all the blog postings. I have learned a lot about embedding youtube videos in powerpoints and I think that will be very important in the future as a teacher. I think this is class is a must because the future generation will be all technology based. If us as teachers dont get use to it now then we will have a hard time in the future. So all in all I think the class was a success. But if I don't get a good grade then this class was horrible.


Friday, February 12, 2010


I personally have never been a big fan of Excel. Reason being that I never knew how to use it and just gave up on it because I thought it was to hard to learn. But after going over this program in class I really do like it now. I think it can be useful in class to show the students different types of graphs, how to organize things, and is just a good visual aid for those learners that learn from seeing things. I also think that using excel for your grade book could be beneficial because of the time you save from having to breakout calculators and pencilling in everything. Plus it is a lot easier to change grades and it makes it look a lot cleaner vs. pencil erasing. I would definitely use this program in my classroom. Anything that would make my job easier is always put to good use in my classroom.

I think as a teacher we would use these things to lighten our work load is a lot of the reason. I think another good reason is because it make things look more professional. One of the advantages over a calculator would be that once it is on the spreadsheet it is calculated and recorded. But if you do something with a calculator then you write it on the paper, then recorded it in the grade book, and then most schools make you put it into the computer anyways. So why not cut all that other stuff out and just use the spread sheet and be done with it?? Makes sense to me to just use the spreadsheet.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Inspiration Program

I was really amazed by what the Inspiration Program has to offer. I think that the information tools that students or teachers can access would be very helpful in the class room. I found different ways of making outlines, graphs, and different types of presentation. I think that this program would be bring organization to the classroom and help those students that are visual learners.

I really like the idea of using a program like this in the classroom or even as a tool for us educators. I am wanting to be a P.E. Teacher and I think that this program could help me outline my lesson plan and show me the certain steps so that I make sure that I don't skip a step. So in other words I think that it is a good organization skills. I also think think that the program would be great in the classroom because students don't have the best handwriting and this will make it easier on teachers to be able to read what the student are trying to write. Being able to do this program I think will also allow the students to be able to help each other with ideas and brainstorm on things. Sometimes when we are stuck on an idea all we need is a little push to get us going. So I am in great favor of using this program in the classroom or even outside of the classroom.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Questions for Week 2

I think that blogs are a great tool. People can learn from each other and when people get stuck on a assignment or project they can turn to others to help them create ideas. There have been many times that I have had a brain freeze and just by talking to others been able to get out of that brain freeze. I think that blogs in the classrooms is a good idea because some students can't communicate out loud but they are more comfortable communicating over the computer. By allowing students to open up over the computer maybe they will soon get comfortable over time and be able to communicate in the classroom out loud. So if somebody wanted my opinion on blogs, I would have to tell them that I am all for blogs in the classroom. I believe that it is a good communication channel for students and I think that it is away for kids to give their opinion or put their ideas out there for others.

I am a kines major and I am having a hard time coming up with a blog for the classroom.... but the only thing I can come up with is when a teacher needs ideas about how to teach something. Another idea for blogging is when a teacher comes up with a really good idea and wants to share it with others that they can blog it and put that idea out there for others to use it.

Neal Locke

Friday, January 29, 2010

All About Me...

My name is Neal Locke and I live in Caddo Mills. I am currently attending Texas A&M Commerce to get my degree in Kinesiology. I have about a year and a half left before I can actually get a job. I have a 4 year old little girl named Chloe. She is my everything and I don't know what I would do without her. Chloe and I like all the same things such as fishing, racing, football, and going to the movies. Anything else you want to know.... you can just ask.